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Foundation Data
data store type: CubeWerx CubeSTOR spatial database for MariaDB®/MySQL®
This is the OGC API landing page for the Foundation Data data store on Demo CubeSERV. It's the root of a set of HTTP endpoints whose APIs are defined by a set of draft OGC API specifications.
The following collections are available in this data store:
Airport Facilities Points (mappable feature set)
Data Quality Line Features (mappable feature set)
Railroads (mappable feature set)
Roads (mappable feature set)
Railroad Yard Points (mappable feature set)
Trails and Tracks (mappable feature set)
Transportation Structures Points (mappable feature set)
Transportation Structures Lines (mappable feature set)
Transportation Coverage Text (mappable feature set)
Aqueducts/Canals/Flumes/Penstocks (mappable feature set)
Danger Point Features (mappable feature set)
Hydrography Coverage Text (mappable feature set)
Inland Water Areas (mappable feature set)
Miscellaneous Line Features (mappable feature set)
Miscellaneous Point Features (mappable feature set)
Water Courses (mappable feature set)
Barrier Line Features (mappable feature set)
Boundaries Coverage Text (mappable feature set)
Coastlines (mappable feature set)
Depth Contours (mappable feature set)
Oceans/Seas (mappable feature set)
Administrative Areas (mappable feature set)
Political Boundaries (mappable feature set)
Political Boundary Point Features (mappable feature set)
Built-Up Areas (mappable feature set)
Built-Up Area Points (mappable feature set)
Miscellaneous Population Areas (mappable feature set)
Miscellaneous Population Points (mappable feature set)
Population Coverage Text (mappable feature set)
Elevation Contours (mappable feature set)
Spot Elevations (mappable feature set)
Croplands (mappable feature set)
Grasslands (mappable feature set)
Marshs/Swamps (mappable feature set)
Trees (mappable feature set)
Tundra (mappable feature set)
Data Quality
Data Quality Areas (mappable feature set)
Data Quality Lines (mappable feature set)
Data Quality Line Features (mappable feature set)
Data Quality Line Features (mappable feature set)
Data Quality Text (mappable feature set)
Data Quality Line Features (mappable feature set)
Pipelines (mappable feature set)
Utility Point Features (mappable feature set)
Utilities Coverage Text (mappable feature set)
Digital Terrain
Global 2 Minute Elevations (mappable coverage)
Global 30 Second Elevations (mappable coverage)
Extraction Areas (mappable feature set)
Extraction Point Features (mappable feature set)
Fish Hatcheries/Fish Farms (mappable feature set)
Industry Coverage Text (mappable feature set)
Storage Point Features (mappable feature set)
Ground Surface Areas (mappable feature set)
Snow/Ice Fields and Glaciers (mappable feature set)
Landform Line Features (mappable feature set)
Physiography Coverage Text (mappable feature set)
Sea Ice Areas (mappable feature set)
Composite Layers
The following resources are available for this data store:
Service Provider
This service is provided by CubeWerx Inc.
Contact information:
Mike Galluchon (Technical Support)
CubeWerx Inc.
815 boulevard de la Carrière, bureau 202
Gatineau, Québec, Canada
J8Y 6T4
Voice: (819) 771-8303
FAX: (819) 771-8388
E-mail: support@cubewerx.com
Hours of service: 09:00 - 17:00 eastern time