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Boundaries Coverage Text

VPF Narrative Table for "Boundaries Coverage Text":

Text features were used to convey information which could not be expressed as a more specific boundaries coverage feature or as an attribute of a boundaries coverage feature.

Collection ID: bndtxt_1m
WGS 84 Geographic Extent:
Minimum Latitude: -82.97240447998047
Minimum Longitude: -179.9094696044922
Maximum Latitude: 83.61899566650391
Maximum Longitude: 179.9119415283203
The vector features in this collection have the following schema:
Column NameColumn Type
GEOMETRYpoint geometry
Row Identifier (id)integer (max length: 10)
FACC Feature Code (f_code)string (max length: 5)
Symbol Identification (symbol_id)integer (max length: 5)
Tile Reference ID (tile_id)integer (max length: 5)
Text Primitive ID (txt_id)integer (max length: 10)
(expand to show entire schema)
Coordinate Reference Systems
The native coordinate reference system of this collection is:
WGS 84 (http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326)
The following other coordinate reference systems are also available:
The following resources are available for this collection: